Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Much of the accessories worn by Johnny Depp, are purchased at Dean Accessories (Los Angeles), his leather shop of election. Going from hadbags to watches, passing through bracelets.

That's so familiar that in 2007 Johnny decided to give a a Gift to Treasure when he has enlisted the creative expertise of dean.Accessories designer Danny Davis to create custom bags to give as holiday gifts to the production crew of Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3. It has a hammered metal logo depicting Captain Jack Sparrow and is embossed with the phrase, "With Thanks, Love, and Respect - Captain Jack Sparrow". Under the photo of the bag it says: Johnny's custom dean.Accessories bag, complete with beaded hair extensions like his eccentric Pirates character. While other stars who are more diva-like may think that the film production crew was blessed enough just to be able to work in their presence, Johnny consistently thinks about others (everyone - not just his director and his co-stars), and this is further proof of that.

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